Discussion Layouts

Choose the best layout for your video discussion.

Choose the best layout for your video discussion

We provide carefully crafted discussion layouts to enhance content navigation, encourage interaction, and align with your brand's unique style and values. Our layouts are designed to elevate stakeholder opinions, streamline conversations, and create an engaging, dynamic experience for your community.


To select the ideal layout for your discussion, go to Discussion settings, click on Show Advanced settings and choose a Layout that resonates with your vision. Whether you want to enable smart threading of sub-replies, buzz up the vibe with a visually compelling bubbles, or keep things focused and streamlined, we have a layout that will help you achieve your goals and foster meaningful conversations.

List Layout

The List layout displays videos in a single column, ideal for focused, linear discussions. Replies are presented next to the video they are responding to.

Sub-threaded Layout

Organize discussions into clear threads, making it easy to follow related replies while keeping the main conversation streamlined and focused.

Artistic Layout

Showcase videos in an attractive, dynamic bubbles that encourages exploration. Spark curiosity and engagement with this visually compelling format.

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